Gmail is the fastest growing email service and has one of the best Spam filters andclean interface for navigation.There are lots of features like Gmail Preview Pane and Addtional Chat Emotions which are not enabled by default but you can activate them from Gmail Labs.Email forwading to mobile phones is feature which automatically sends email to mobile phone as soon as it arrives in your Inbox.This feature is still not supported by Gmail but you can enable it using third party services like way2sms or 160by2.
How to Get Gmail Alerts on your Mobile Phone:
- Get yourself registered at
- Now login and click on the Mail Alerts tab in it (Note down your Way2Sms Email Id from here)
- Now login to your Gmail Account
- Open your Mail Settings and then select Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab
- Click on Add a forwarding address and in the text field enter your’s Email address.
- Now click on Next button
- A verification code will be sent on your way2sms Email ID, verify it and receive all your Email Alerts on your phone.
- You can also stop receiving Email Alerts any time. just goto Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab and select Disable Forwarding.
Have A Nice day.................
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